The information that is available to women and healthcare professionals about medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding is often both inconsistent and inadequate. Recently, the UK Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Information Consortium published an information strategy. The vision of this strategy is for all women to have access to accurate and accessible information, allowing them to make informed decisions about medicines together with health care professionals.
The consortium is part of the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It consists of a voluntary group of information providers from different sectors. The guidance document was developed in response to the Commission for Human Medicines report on Hormone Pregnancy Tests form 2017. That report issued a set of recommendations, including calling MHRA to work with key information providers to ensure healthcare professionals and patients receive the best available information. Empowering them to make informed decisions and ask questions about any medicines they may be prescribed in pregnancy.
The document was published on 11 January 2021 and can be accessed in full on the MHRA website. This is part of a detailed guidance for use of medicines in pregnancy and breastfeeding that can be found in full on the website.