It has been well-documented that a positive pregnancy experience also has a positive impact later in life in terms of health outcomes for the mother and baby, as well as a discernible positive economic impact; research has shown that in countries with low rates of maternal and child mortality, their GDP is proportionately higher. But women with untreated medical conditions might not have a positive pregnancy experience. And women who are treated without knowing what the risks are might suffer from anxiety. And this might affect their decisions on whether or not to breastfeed. One implication of this is that women with chronic illnesses, or who get sick while pregnant, need medical treatment.
This year the Safe Motherhood Week is also supporting the important topic of pregnancy/breastfeeding and medicine through the IMI ConcePTION project. The Synergist are a part of this landmark public-private partnership that is aiming to radically and rapidly reduce uncertainty about the effects of medication used during pregnancy and breastfeeding to benefit women in making informed decisions about medications used before, during and after pregnancy.
“A vast information gap exists for many women and HCPs who don’t even realise that for the vast majority of medicines, we are lacking the requisite safety data and evidence to ensure it can be safely taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. SMW represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness of this topic and the survey will also support IMI ConcePTION’s work to build an online knowledge bank of searchable information about the safety of different medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, by understanding how women are using the internet to search for information, and how these habits might be changing post Covid-19” says Helena Harnik.
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Safe Motherhood Week encourages all pregnant women and health care professionals to take the survey and explain why.
Read Helena Harnik’s full text on the Motherhood Collective Impact Programme blog